11 March 2009

meaning of gothic

project amal aku yg pertama sem nie

salam 2 all mmbr alhamdulillah to the mighty god because of HIM i can realise my dream do make a charity carnival....firstly i got the ideas to do a entrepreneur carnival coz i want to training my company mmbr group to do a big...so i make a decision to do it on 27 until 28 of mac and i invite to all of you to came and see my first carnival. now all of may ask where is my charity part..

the story begin last 2 week when i make a proposal and present to timbalan hal ehwal pelajar to get her support he like my ideas but he want to combine my project with malam penghayatan aman palestin. so i think y not we do a charity to my relatif at gaza. when i think back i already susceess to do what does any body do in my college hheheheheheheh..................